Lilla Varga

Frontend Developer


Movie Watchlist

Movie Watchlist

Search for movies and add them to your watchlist. Created with React, Redux and the TMDb API.

Stock Tracker

Stock Tracker

Enter a Stock Symbol and view daily / weekly stock price changes. Created with React.js, Chart.js and Alpha Vantage API.

Admin Panel

Admin Panel

Simple admin panel where you can add/edit/remove products. Created with React and Blueprint.js.

Marvel database

Marvel Hero Search

Search for Marvel characters to see their description and the Comics they appear in. Details of the comics can also be viewed.

Todo List

Todo List

A JavaScript todo app where you can add / remove items from your todo list.


About me

I'm a Frontend Developer with a solid foundation in JavaScript and React, 2 year of experience with Next.js and a strong desire to learn and expand my skills in web development. I'm commited to continuous learning and improving my skills. I have a good eye for details and love creating visually appealing, user-friendly web apps.

Tech stack

JavaScriptTypeScriptReactNext.jsRedux ToolkitJestCypressTailwind CSSCSSHTMLGitGithubFigma


Built and designed by Lilla Varga